- Company name : Hidetoku Co., Ltd.
- Address : 71-3 Yanagida-machi Nagasaki-shi Nagasaki-ken, Japan, 850-0982
- TEL : +81-95-879-7773
- FAX : +81-95-879-7887
- MAIL : web@hidetoku.com
- Representative Director : Hidenori Egashira
- Date of establishment : June 1988
- Business description : Broking or export of machinery and equipments such as second hand ships and parts for them. Second hand vessel: any type of ship, cargo vessel, tanker, ferry, fishboat, and bulker…..
- Capital : 10,000 thousand yen
- Machine tool business: Nagasaki Prefecture Public Safety Commission permission No. 921020000178
- 会社名: 株式会社ヒデトク
- 住所: 〒850-0982 長崎県長崎市柳田町71-3
- TEL: 095-879-7773
- FAX: 095-879-7887
- MAIL: web@hidetoku.com
- 代表取締役: 江頭秀徳
- 設立年月日: 1988年6月
- 事業内容: 中古船、舶用機器の販売、輸出
- 資本金: 10,000千円
- 機械工具商: 長崎県公安委員会許可第921020000178号
・ Established the company in June 1988, start importing and selling of packing materials such as pallets.
・ From May 1997 to August 1998, technical support of seawater desalination plant to JWS CNMI, a subsidiary of Nippon Water Systems Co., Ltd., Saipan.
・ January 2000 – August 2006, was be an agent for JIBC Indonesia (sailor dispatching).
・ Purchase Tuna(fresh fish) in Indonesia, and selling at the Japanese market, from 2006.
・ Started brokerage (broker) of second-hand ship from 2010 and reaches present.
・1997年5月~1998年8月、(株)日本ウォーターシステム社のサイパン子会社JWS CNMIへ海水淡水化プラントの技術支援。